Village de Curnier

Curnier is situated at 12 km of Nyons, in the Drôme Provençale. Curnier used to be the fiefdom of the Mévouillons and then the Princes of Orange during the 14th century.


Nestled at the exact confluence of the Ennuyé river and the Eygues river, the planarity of Curnier contrasts with the hardness of the two rivers.
Curnier, fiefdom of the Mévouillons and then the Princes of Orange during the 14th century, could have been called "Curnier-la-Romaine" because of the roman remains which have been found there.
Flowered village, quiet and welcoming, with a neogothic Church and fountain which dates back to the 17th century. On the left side of the Eygues river, you will see the ruins of the old village which was built during the Middle Ages. You will also appreciate to search fossils along the river, have a break on the village stadium which has a playground for kids, or bathe in the river under the green bridge.

A must see:
- The fountain, one of the most beautiful in the region (16th century)
- St Jean Party: around June 24.


  • Historic patrimony
  • Town / Village


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